Thriving Towards Future

Everolimus Stent (TRACK)


Highlighting Features

  • Track+TM elutes Everolimus Drug which is most preferred drug by most of the Interventional Cardiologists.
  • The basic Stent platform for Track+TM is 605 Cobalt Chromium stent.
  • The Strut Thickness for Track+TM is 60 μm.
  • Track+TM displays minimum recoil and excellent radial strength contributed by its unique open and closed cell stent design and strut locking mechanism.
  • Track+TM is with Rapid Exchange Delivery System with enhanced for its efficacy.
  • Uniform Everolimus coating thickness and precise in Everolimus Drug Release Kinetics as 95 +/- 5% of Everolimus is released within 120 days.
  • Hydrophilic Coated Stent Delivery System.
  • Designed for utmost safety – Track+TM displays one of the lowest entry profiles.
  • Completely biodegradable, Biocompatible polymer (PLGA carrier) – Loading density of 1.0μg/mm².
About Product

Brand Name - TRACK

Everolimus Stent
